My life is for my God (ALLAH)



Minggu, 28 Maret 2010

Miracle of Azan by Nur hasnah

As Moslems we must have already known about the freak of Azan. Azan is one of way for Muazim (man who speaks the instruction to do sholat. (prayer five time in a day) to call every moslem to do prayer. We know that Indonesian has three different times from Sabang to Merauke. They are East Indonesian time(WIT), Middle Indonesian time(WITA). and the last West Indonesian time(WIB), is great, right?. Indonesia is really rich and wonderful country and also Multicultural nation . When Azan is started in In Makasar (East Indonesia) that has one hour distance each other, from east to middle and to west Indonesia. Azan will be continue from Makasar to kalimantan and next to jakarta, and then Malaysia, tahiland, Myanmar............... and it will back to Makasar in Zuhur time ( time to do prayer). It is seems by seeing and following the video above and you will get the conclusion by your self. It mean Azan will be hearing all time never stop like earth never stop rounding. It means Azan is great and islam is the chose one Subanallah. Azan is one of phenomena that shown for the people in the world.

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